Thursday, July 30, 2009


(Whey) Proteins are necessary for building up and maintaining the muscles, organs, nervous system and also for many other body processes.
Children and weightlifters have one thing in common: they both grow and are therefore constantly building up new muscle tissue. Both children and sportsmen and women need extra proteins.
Not all proteins are created equal, but they all consist of the same 20 amino acids. All proteins are eventually broken down in the body into these amino acids. They all function differently and are active in various parts of the body. The amino acids are assimilated by the blood through the intestinal wall. The blood transports them to the liver. In the liver the following process takes place:
• with the help of certain enzymes amino acids are turned into new body proteins
proteins are broken down into amino acids
• amino acids are broken down into a nitrogenous part and a nitrogen-free part
• one of the chemicals formed from the nitrogenous part is urea, which is secreted through the kidneys with the urine
• from the nitrogen-free part glucose is formed which supplies energy to the brain and nervous system.
Proteins play a very important part in keeping the body healthy.In principle there are two kinds of proteins:
Complete proteins contain the right proportion of the eight essential (necessary) amino acids required for tissue build-up. Usually they are of animal origin. Examples are: meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. These proteins usually also contain a fair amount of fat.
Incomplete proteins do not contain all of the essential amino acids. However, if these incomplete proteins are combined with small amounts of complete proteins, the body can make full use of them. Examples are: seeds, nuts, peas, cereals and beans. A combined intake of complete and incomplete sources results in a more balanced diet than if they are consumed separately. Important protein-sources are:
• meat, fish and poultry
• milk and dairy products
• cheese
• cottage cheese
• eggs
• crustaceans and shellfish
• Legumes.
If you practice sports intensively, 30% to 35% of your diet should consist of high-grade proteins.
As a rule of thumb you may multiply your body weight (in kilograms) with a factor of 1.8.
The resulting figure represents your protein requirement in grams per day. For instance, a sporting person weighing 75 kilograms requires a minimum intake of: 75 x 1.8 = 135 grams of proteins per day just to preserve muscle already build.
Using a protein supplement (in the form of a powder) is a friendly way to meet your daily protein requirement.

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