Thursday, July 30, 2009


Your diet should at least include the following:
• 4 to 6 small meals per day (every 2½ to 3 hours)
• each meal should include a portion of proteins
• a good multivitamin/mineral supplement
• you should drink more than two liters of water a day
• a beverage containing 70 to 75 grams of carbohydrates (or a banana) to be taken right after the workout
• more than 50 grams of proteins to be taken within 1½ hours following the workout.
If you fail to include one or more of the above elements in your daily diet, optimal muscle development will not be achieved. In addition, the above-mentioned dietary regime is a proven method to keep your body fat content low.
Particularly with women a protein-rich diet stimulates the burning of fat.
Common protein-sources are chicken, turkey, beef, fish (e.g. tuna), eggs, dairy products and protein powders. For the sake of convenience we refer you to your local fitness center for advice on the selection of the right kind of protein powder. This powder mixed in with milk and taken with your meals is a relatively easy way to get the extra proteins needed for muscle growth. If preparing 4 to 6 meals a day is too much of a hassle for you, you might consider taking 'meal replacements' for two of the meals instead. These powders are ideal for people who burn the candle at both ends, for they instantly provide a complete meal.

Meal replacements have been developed to supplement your diet and to make sure that your muscles will at all times be supplied with the right quantity of nutrients needed for muscle repair and growth.
The Daily Meal Plan. You will find that the Daily Meal Plan consists of two columns. Use the 'planned' column to note what you plan to eat during any given day. Select three balanced meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) per day and in between meals take protein powder mixed in with milk. Use the 'actual' column to note the meals you actually had during that day. It is important to make sure that with each meal you consume at least a reasonable amount of proteins, preferably proteins from a good protein-source such as eggs or a protein powder. 3 to 5 protein portions a day are enough to expect your workouts to produce optimal results!
You will notice that an increased daily protein-intake has a positive effect on muscle repair.
You may use the space provided for notes to describe how your muscular pain developed, for instance - particularly how it decreased. In this way your notes will enable you to discern how your diet influenced the repair of your muscles. Based on this experience you can optimize the selection of your diet.

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